The Geezer Bandit: Still at Large, Still a Mystery
Nineveh Westin Gets the Scoop!

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Nineveh: Good evening. This is Nineveh Westin for Deep Six News. One of the stories that has captivated the nation over the last few years is that of the Geezer Bandit, the elderly gentleman who is responsible for a string of bank heists in the San Diego area beginning in 2009. There was a lot of speculation about the Geezer Bandit, both by authorities and in the media. back when his crime spree was still fresh in everyone’s mind.
The Geezer Bandit’s last robbery was in December of 2011, 5 full years ago. He’s not been apprehended, and he’s not held up another bank. Speculation has died down, but the mystery surrounding the man and his fabled run are just as intense as ever. How did he do it? How did he get away with it? Is he really elderly, or is he wearing an elaborate disguise? What possesses a man in his eighties to suddenly embark on a career of dangerous felonies? And, perhaps most curious of all, where has he been since then? Did he give up his life of crime? Did he flee the country? Did he die? Continue reading